• Resolved Blair Geddes


    Can the main emails that are sent from WooCommerce be adapted to mimic the layout created for the PDF from your module? If so, how would we go about doing this?

    This is attempting to make the body layout of say the “New Order” email from WooCommerce, the same layout and formatting as your PDF that is attached to that email.

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  • Plugin Contributor Darren Peyou


    Hello @primalspace,

    To customize the WooCommerce emails you have to copy the files found at wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/emails/ into your store’s child theme. Note that if you customize the parent theme rather than the child theme, any changes will be overwritten with theme updates. From there, basic knowledge of HTML, CSS & some PHP will help you adapt the files to your liking. 🙂

    Thread Starter Blair Geddes


    Thanks for quick reply. Aware of that method. Perhaps my question wasn’t well worded. Apologies.

    We have created a custom PDF layout using your module. We want to now mimic that layout for the WooCommerce email templates like New Order or Shipping update for the body of the emails. Is there a way to do that with your module? Without having to “recreate” the customisations?

    Plugin Contributor Darren Peyou



    That is possible because if there is information displayed in the WooCommerce (WC) emails, we most likely can also display it on the PDF documents. Sorry for sounding repetitive but the ability to achieve that layout will still depend on your knowledge of HTML, CSS & PHP.

    Is there some specific meta-data you are seeing in the WC emails that you cannot see on your custom template or are the changes you’re trying to make purely visual/aesthetic?

    Thread Starter Blair Geddes


    It’s the other way around. We have custom attributes in the PDF, and a custom design in the PDF, that we want to mimic in the default WooCommerce Order emails.

    It is both a design and custom attributes to pull through.

    I guess the answer is no, that this is not a feature of the module, and we must to manually with PHP, HTML and CSS?

    Plugin Contributor Darren Peyou



    If it has to do with custom fields, depending on how this data is saved, we might be able to use the Custom Blocks of the Premium Templates extension.

    If it is just design, then yes: HTML, CSS & PHP, depending on the design itself.

    Thread Starter Blair Geddes


    Ok, thanks. The 2 custom fields are shipping_phone and shipping_email which don’t look to be on your list? So may not work?

    Plugin Contributor Darren Peyou



    With the Custom Blocks you can use {{shipping_phone}} & for the shipping email you would need to find what the meta key is, then you’d be able to display it — maybe {{shipping_email}}? Finding Hidden Custom Fields

    WordPress doesn’t allow us to provide support for paid software here, so for questions regarding our paid extensions, please email us at support@wpovernight.com.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Darren Peyou.
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