• Resolved dmcsupport


    Customer and I both received the order email notification and the customer paid via Stripe and I can the order payment successful in the Stripe dashboard but the order won’t show up in the admin section > Woocommerce > Orders tab.
    What should I should?

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  • AJ a11n


    Hi @dmcsupport

    In the order notification email that you received, was there a WooCommerce order ID number, and if so, what was that number?

    Is this the only order that this has happened with? Have you made any recent changes/ updates to the site before this occurred?

    Thread Starter dmcsupport


    Hi Amanda,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes, It is WooCommerce order ID number – 9630. So far, I have noticed 1 order missing. It is still a development website so I have made lot of changes.
    If I use this plugin woocommerce sequential order numbers – https://woocommerce.com/products/sequential-order-numbers-pro/, will it help? Could it be the conflict between ORDER ID and POST ID?

    Please see the order email notification screenshot. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EuMveiax-YJpiJDdvKjELGUfubLGHqyN/view?usp=sharing

    AJ a11n


    Hi @dmcsupport

    Are you able to access the order when you add wp-admin/post.php?post=9630&action=edit to the end of your site URL?

    Thread Starter dmcsupport


    Hi Amanda,

    No I can’t access the order. I logged in as admin and tried to access wp-admin/post.php?post=9630&action=edit. Got error – Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.

    Thank you.

    Hi @dmcsupport,

    Very sorry on the wait for this response!

    If I use this plugin woocommerce sequential order numbers – https://woocommerce.com/products/sequential-order-numbers-pro/, will it help? Could it be the conflict between ORDER ID and POST ID?

    Orders are Posts, so this should not interfere as they are one and the same.

    For the question regarding the Sequential Orders Pro, it will sync orders to show in sequential order after it is installed, it is not retroactive. In this case, that particular order will not be visible with the plugin installed or not, if it is not already there. If it was there, you can disable it temporarily to see if you can access the order.

    I logged in as admin and tried to access wp-admin/post.php?post=9630&action=edit. Got error – Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.

    Be sure that you are logged in as a full Administrator, and once you are then if you are still unable to access the order it might be a conflict with a plugin or theme. If you have any plugins such as User Role Editor or User Switching they can cause this. If the issue is still persisting, use a staging site (a copy of your Live site – your Host can assist with this if you do not have one) and do the following:

    The best way to determine if the issue is being caused by a theme and/or plugin is to do the following:

    1. Temporarily switch your theme back to the Storefront or Twenty Seventeen Theme.
    2. Disable all plugins except for WooCommerce and your shipping/payment gateways.
    3. Test to see if the issue has been resolved.

    If that resolves the issue, then one-by-one you can switch back your theme and re-enable your plugins, testing in between, until you find the one causing the conflict.

    Again, we do recommend a staging site for these tests so that your Live site is unaffected. Please let me know how it goes!

    Hi @dmcsupport,

    I am going to close this thread for now, however if you are still having the issue just reply to this and we will re-open it. If you have other issues please open a new thread and let us know!

    Hi I have the same issue only I am not using the sequential plugin. previously had abandoned plugin but removed it,

    I have searched and searched for an understanding on how this issue can happen. I have failed. The logic I am applying is based on a session / order id being created and then the user returns in the future to pick up where they left off only the order id is no longer available. Even though the order id is free to use!

    I can’t reason why after returning from the payment gateway the order fails to get added to the dashboard. It just disappears! I get the email to confirm the order but nothing in the admin section.

    I’ve read this https://wordpress.org/support/topic/order-isnt-appearing-in-woocommerce-orders-dashboard/ which is not the same as we do not have duplicate order ids. We having missing orders!

    conflicting plugins?

    the question is how are order ids generated in the first instance, can I clear a cache of previously created so they start as new for all users. the sequence currently is all orders after the last one are being received, it seems old order ids just disappear so if someone returns from 3 weeks ago the order goes missing, if this person returns I am assuming they are picking up an old cart and completing. There is also no trace of the customers account!

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