• Resolved Cristina Mantione


    For some time now, the statistics have been inaccurate, not displaying all pages and users (I have compared with GA4 and other plugins, and the data are different from those shown by Analytics Insight).

    Today, it shows me two pages in two languages that are NOT on my website…

    I checked, and there is no new page/post in those languages.

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  • Plugin Author Alin Marcu


    Today, it shows me two pages in two languages that are NOT on my website…

    Users use translation tools while browsing, so seeing page titles on a different language is normal.

    For some time now, the statistics have been inaccurate, not displaying all pages and users (I have compared with GA4 and other plugins, and the data are different from those shown by Analytics Insight).

    The numbers are always different when comparing two analytics services. Some do a better job on filtering spam traffic or invalid traffic than others. Even between Google Analytics 3 an Google Analytics 4 there were considerable differences in numbers, being two tracking technologies provided by same company.

    About the difference between Google Analytics website and the plugin reports can you give an example? At which report you’re looking on GA and which one on the plugin.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 4 weeks ago by Alin Marcu.
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