• Resolved MFA


    Hi there,

    I am using https://wppopupmaker.com/extensions/mailchimp-integration/ inside popupmaker.

    I am looking for a feature to send an email when form inside popupmaker is successfully submitted OR if the user is subscribed to mailchimp I should be able to receive a notification about that..

    Please advise if that is possible or if I can do this through any action myself.


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  • Bel


    Hello @muhammadfaisalashfaq

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Currently, the subscription form does not have a feature to send email notification to admin after a user submits the form.

    However, we have a list of WordPress Form Builder plugins that we have integration that can notify you by email when someone submits a form, and add the user in MailChimp Audience.

    For a full list of supported plugins, please refer to this link:

    Popup Maker Integration with WordPress Form Builder Plugins

    We hope that helps. Please let us know if you have questions.

    Thread Starter MFA


    Yes, I also ended up with same thoughts to use some other Form Builder..

    BUT it would be better if there are any hooks that I can use to add my Sending Email code there that fire as the user submits the form?




    Hi @muhammadfaisalashfaq

    Thank you for your reply.

    We appreciate your suggestion. We have a feature request page available in our website.

    Could you please log in to your Popup Maker account, and submit a feature request here?

    You could monitor the submitted feature, and get updates from our developers. You may also leave a comment in the featured request section.

    To access your Popup Maker account, please refer to article:
    How Do I Access My Popup Maker Account?

    We hope that helps with the feature request. Let us know if you have any questions.

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