• On any site or Multisite that has ever had one of the Nayra Themes installed shows this message on the top of EVERY Admin page.

    “The Clever Fox plugin adds sections functionality to the Startkit theme and Others Nayra”s Themes”

    No matter how many times you click the “X” to dismiss this message, it still shows!

    I saw in multiple threads and google searches where they claim that they will fix this ERROR, it has been OVER 3 months since I notified them after purchasing a PRO license.

    They do NOT seem very eager to help their PRO customers or the ones that they are trying to get as customers help with this very annoying issue!

    Please, I am begging you, and so are many others to fix this! I even tried deleting every theme and the plugin. Somehow the message is still there!


    You might actually get more customers if you do!

    I honestly LOVE your themes, I want to try and get others to go PRO, but if you can not support your own products, that is a very bad showing to customers and potential customers.

    *This has been updated! I was in a hurry and selected the wrong site with the message to copy and paste. It might be due to the fact that I am working on so many sites all at the same time.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Todd Stratton.
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  • Plugin Author Nayra Themes


    Hello @boofola

    “To use Testimonials, please activate the Jetpack plugin’s Custom Content Types module.”

    It is not comming from Cleverfox plugin. We already fixed our plugin notice.

    Let us know if you have any other confusion in this.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Nayra Themes.
    Thread Starter Todd Stratton


    Please make sure to read the UPDATED Post!

    The Clever Fox plugin adds sections functionality to the Startkit theme and Others Nayra”s Themes.

    I was in a hurry and simply clicked on the wrong site to copy the message.

    Plugin Author Nayra Themes


    Hello @boofola

    Please update the plugin with the latest version,We already fixed it. Can you please reconsider about your feedback.


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