• karen61227


    Hello, the plugin working fine initially, but ever since I updated Woocommerce to version 7.9.0 on July 18th, it has stopped working. It is possible that the updated version of Woocommerce is causing the plugin to malfunction. Could you please check if it is possible to update this plugin?

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  • Plugin Author RVOLA


    Hello @karen61227

    have you enabled WooCommerce HPOS mode?
    If yes, the current extension is not compatible

    Thread Starter karen61227


    Thank you for responding, I’ve checked the advance setting of woocomerce. The HPOS mode is not on.

    Plugin Author RVOLA


    Good morning,
    I just tested on an environment with
    WordPress 6.3 and WooCommerce 7.9.0,
    the current plugin is fully functional.

    Thread Starter karen61227


    Hello, thank you for your response! During testing in the past few days, I found that the plugin is working fine.

    However, I have a little question ask:
    I want to automatically cancel unpaid orders after “24 hours” of placing the order.

    Therefore, I edited in woo-cancel-abandoned-order/includes/class-cao.php >class-cao.php as follows:

    line 261:

                'default' => 'hourly',

    line 271:

                'default'     => apply_filters( 'woo_cao_default_hours', '24' ),

    However, after actual operation, the automatically cancelation works as to “check all the order’s status at 17:09 everyday, and automatically cancel the unpaid order that stays over 24 hours.”

    Could you please let me know if there might be any misconfiguration on my part?

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