• Resolved areleases


    Hello, the questions are not shown in the wordpress tab, and in the emails I receive I get a “noname” file that does not contain data, could you help me in this regard? The questions are stored in each individual product, the only one detail is the one that I mention, thank you very much in advance.

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  • Plugin Author expresstechsoftware


    Hello @areleases ,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    We have identified the issue related to the mail and we will try to fix it this week, will also update you about it.
    However, the question posted by the user on product is displayed both at product and admin side, please try to deactivate other plugins and check it.


    Thread Starter areleases


    Thanks, I tried deactivating all the plugins but the problem continues, it does not show me notifications of questions

    View post on imgur.com

    I am learning as a developer and I am looking in the scripts for the solution but nothing so far.

    Plugin Author expresstechsoftware


    Hello @areleases ,

    We have fixed the email related issue, but will release to the WordPress repository after full quality testing.

    You can download the fixed branch from here: https://github.com/expresstechsoftware/product-questions-answers-for-woocommerce/tree/email-and-convention
    You must be able to see receive email after configuring the plugin from this branch.


    Thread Starter areleases


    You are a crack friend, I already tried your new version and I already receive the emails correctly with the name of the publication and the question, thank you very much and I will be attentive to your updates, a big greeting!

    Plugin Author expresstechsoftware


    Dear @areleases ,

    Glad to make it work for you!

    All we want is love, will be a great memory and asset for us if you can leave a rating on the plugin.


    Plugin Contributor Sunny Soni


    Hello @areleases ,

    This issue has been fixed, please download the latest version. This version will also notify the users when an admin answers their question or changes the answer of one of their question.


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