• Resolved thomas2070



    I’ve been really happy with your plugin; it’s worked seamlessly and hasn’t slowed down my site at all. However, since the latest update on July 2nd, I’ve noticed that nothing is being logged, every day shows 0 views/visitors.

    Could you help me figure out what went wrong?

    Thanks, Thomas

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  • Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for getting in touch about this. I’m very sorry to hear about this tracking error.

    Could you share a link to your website? I will take a look at the tracking code.

    Thread Starter thomas2070


    Hi @bensibley

    No worries, I’ve figured out the issue. It turns out there was a conflict with another plugin, ASE pro tools, specifically with the “Disable REST API” option. Turning this off resolved the visitor tracking problem. Sorry for suspecting your plugin, it’s still top-notch, a 10/10! 😀

    Thanks for your prompt response!


    Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Nice! Thanks for letting me know you found a solution.

    If you still want to lock down the REST API, we have some suggestions here that work with Independent Analytics: https://independentwp.com/knowledgebase/tracking/secure-rest-api/

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