• Quoting what you said: “`templateinvaders wrote:

    Hi @atozmarketinguk

    The issue is related to your active theme. The theme author integrated the “add to wishlist button” with idea that mentioned text should be disabled in plugin settings. You can disable button text in plugin settings OR you need to contact the theme author about this issue.

    There is nothing to fix from the plugin side!

    P.S. This is a review section, not a support forum. Don’t try to be so smart to get quick and free solutions manipulating by low stars. Your tactic is a shame for the WordPress community.

    Post Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/distorted-wishlisht-confirmation-text-block/#post-14923508
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    Reviews are here to present unbiased opinions about solutions, you should not be afraid of criticism, rather apply knowledge and advise users. We reserve our right to value your plugin based on the experience we have received having it tested. Thank you for the explanation, however, your earlier reply to our review posts should not have been removed, as we would have altered it to 4-stars anyway based on the experience with your plugin. It is easy to blame other theme developers, note there are thousands of themes out there. Your solutions should foresee adaptability and display issues, as plugins have to adapt to themes, not the other way around, as a plugin fulfils a particular function (in this case Wishlist), not the function of a whole website.

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