• This is not a free plugin. There is not a free version available at all. And worse of all you don’t know that by reading the blub on WordPress. Only but going to the owners website do you see it is a 30 day trial. Good thing I never activated the plugin.

    If you want to buy a plugin, fine, I have a couple myself. But don’t fool me by saying it is free when it is not.

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  • Leaflet Maps Marker IS a free plugin which is fully functional and being using on more than 40.000 sites. Only if you want more features, you CAN update to the pro version Maps Marker Pro (and test the plugin for 30 days for free for example).

    Perhaps you got confused as on our site http://www.mapsmarker.com you can only download the pro version, while the free version is only available in the WordPress.org plugin repository.

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