• Resolved hahaviral


    In my Sitemap Output – video-sitemap-1.xml .

    All the thumbnails pictures are blank white images. and on google search is shows as white blank image instead of thumbnail pictures. Why is it doing this and how to fix?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by hahaviral. Reason: ???
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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    That’s a sitemap from Jetpack, not TSF. So, I’m afraid I can’t help you here.

    Please reach out to Jetpack’s support forums.


    Thread Starter hahaviral


    Why is your plugin using the jet pack site map?

    And how do I make your plugin use the correct sitemap?

    Thread Starter hahaviral


    Hi ive disabled the jetpack site map this has enabled your plug in site map.

    But where are the thumbnails on your plugin site map?

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    I’m glad you found the toggle!

    Our sitemap is very “simplistic”; it’s built to only provide what search engines essentially need, and nothing more. So, there are no thumbnails, no videos, and no images; just “last updated” pages and posts and the URLs leading to those.

    When search engines find those pages, they’ll crawl them, and they can then grab all they need, including the images and videos. It’s more efficient and robust, and far less error-prone.

    Cheers 🙂

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