• Resolved benoitlepilliet



    Where can I see all blocked sites in ftp ? I think, in the htaccess file ? I don’t see any action in htaccess file by the block referer spam plugin. Can you help me please ? I would like to know if it’s normal or there is a problem with my cache plugin (W3 total cache)

    thank you

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  • Plugin Author supersoju



    If you have the “Rewrite Block” option set in your plugin preference (which is the default), the plugin will write all of the blocklists to your .htaccess file. If you have “WordPress Block” selected, the plugin will do it’s processing once WordPress itself spins up and won’t write the blocklist anywhere on the file system.

    W3 Total Cache and other caching plugins may cause problems with the plugin. Not necessarily with the .htaccess, but they may serve up a cached version of a page to a bad refer before the Block Refer Spam plugin has a chance to do it’s thing.

    Thread Starter benoitlepilliet


    Ok, I finally choose the “Rewrite Block” mode like in first time and it’s works ! the htaccess is rewrited with all blocked sites. I don’t know why it doesn’t work the first time

    thank you

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