• Hi,
    I installed this to test and I noticed at the bottom of the pages the language switching buttons text is there but there are no flags. Does this plug in still require the classic editor?

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  • Hi,
    Possible it is depending of theme (don’t know for sure), but in my case it only works with the classic editor.
    Rgds, Wilfried

    Thread Starter keeven even


    Ok, thanks,

    I’ve installed the classic editor plug-in and it shows up now. One thing that is strange is that the post & page title’s don’t show up on the front end since I’ve installed qTranslate… Also the featured imaged in posts does not show up. Have you encountered anything like that before?

    No I have not encountered that problem. I have only one site with qtranslatex, that is http://www.bodystressrelease.fr/ Maybe you can check what the possibilities are when see this site?
    best regards, Wilfried

    Thread Starter keeven even


    Thanks Wilfried,
    I see the plug-in is performing on your site and in three languages no less.
    Oddly enough the site I am working on is also massage related.


    There is a space at the top of the pages where the title should be but none is there, they are not in the HTML either, I checked.. I just started manually adding titles.

    I’d really like to avoid doing a clean install.

    Thread Starter keeven even


    I suspect that the problem might have been a conflict between the Rank Math and qTranslate X plug-ins. Rank math stopped working after I activated qTranslate.

    Titles and other things in the theme itself should be as this:

    [:en]english title[:fr]french title[:nl]dutch title[:]

    I did not need a clean install on that site when I installed this plugin.

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