• Resolved sinapars


    Hi Team,

    Thanks for the new feature (Estimated reading time for Single Docs) you developed, but I had a suggestion to improve it

    1. we should be able to customize the words min, seconds and read
    (for different languages)
    2. We should be able to put a title before the reading time, for example:
    Estimated reading time: 1 minute

    3.You set one minute for every 200 words, but if the words are less than 200 words, the duration will be displayed as follows:
    0 min 43 seconds read
    which I don’t think is beautiful and user-friendly
    My suggestion is that for times less than 1 minute, the remaining time should be displayed as follows:
    Estimated reading time: < 1 min

    And as I mentioned in the first case, all the fixed words and even the smaller sign (<) can be customized so that the user may want to use the word less than instead of (<)

    4. If we can put a clock icon next to the text, I think it will be attractive, and what’s better is that it can be personalized.


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  • Plugin Support Sadman Sakib Nadvi


    Hello @sinapars,

    Thank you for reaching out and for your valuable feedback on the new ‘Estimated Reading Time’ feature for Single Docs.

    We appreciate your suggestions for enhancing user experience and customization. Your input regarding language flexibility, title addition, time estimation adjustments, and the inclusion of a personalized clock icon is insightful and aligns with our goal of providing a user-centric platform.

    Please rest assured that your suggestions have been forwarded to our development team for review. We are exploring the feasibility of these enhancements and are committed to continuous improvement.

    We will keep you updated on our progress and any upcoming developments related to your suggestions. Your patience and support in this process are greatly appreciated.

    If you have any more ideas or need further assistance, please feel free to share.

    Warm regards,

    Plugin Support Sadman Sakib Nadvi


    Hello there,


    We are pleased to inform you that our development team has taken your feedback into consideration. You can find the dev version here: https://d.pr/f/VY3Ri8

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter sinapars


    Hi @sadmansakibnadvi

    Your are wonderful
    I’m really glad I can contribute to your plugin and share suggestions. I know it’s important to your team, and I appreciate your hard work.
    Big thanks to you and your whole team for the amazing support!


    Plugin Support Sadman Sakib Nadvi


    Hello @sinapars.

    I am glad I was able to help, please feel free to contact our support anytime you need help, we are always here to help.

    If you don’t mind me asking, could you do me a favor, and spend 30-sec to review us following this link, this will help us to serve better.

    Thank you in advance!

    Link to review – https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/betterdocs/reviews/#new-post

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