• Resolved Wikis


    If no results were found, a blank page is displayed, but the search functioned as intended when results were found.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by Wikis.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • luciamarinescu


    Hi @wikis,

    Thanks for choosing Neve!

    Did you make customizations to the search results page or do you use the default one? Also, please make sure you use the latest version of the theme.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Wikis


    Based on my troubleshooting, when the “Daily Prayer Time” plugin is activated, it interferes with the search function, especially the header search, particularly in the Neve Theme. I have already replicated this issue using the Neve theme on all of my websites with same result.

    Hi @wikis!

    I tried to check this on my test instance, but when I have that plugin activated and search for anything, I get two errors related to that plugin. Id’ suggest addressing this issue to the plugin authors, since the problem persists even with default themes such as Twenty Twenty. This means that the issue is not related to Neve.

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter Wikis


    Hi @luciamarinescu,

    Thanks for looking into the issue. It seems the “Daily Prayer Time” plugin is causing errors not only with Neve but also the default themes. I already contacted the plugin authors for a solution. Appreciate your input!

    Hi @wikis,

    Thanks for letting me know! It would be great if you could mark this thread as resolved.

    Thank you and have a great day ahead!

    Thread Starter Wikis


    Thank you.

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