• Resolved martinagiomi


    Hi, I’m using the Support Genix Lite Plugin and I’ve noticed that the “Need Reply” flag always appears for all tickets regardless of whether a ticket has been closed or not. How can I make sure that there is a “Closed” flag when a ticket has been closed or that “Need Reply” does not appear if the ticket has been closed?

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  • Plugin Contributor Tarek Aziz


    Hi @martinagiomi,

    Thank you very much for reaching out to us.

    I am sorry to hear about the trouble you have encountered with the plugin.

    Don’t worry, I have already informed the development team regarding the issue.

    They will try their best to fix the issue in the next plugin update.

    During this interim period, your patience and support are highly expected.

    Kind regards,
    Tarek Aziz

    Plugin Author Nazmul Huda


    Hi @martinagiomi

    I wanted to share some exciting news with you. We’ve fixed the issue you reported regarding the “Need Reply” flag in the Support Genix Lite Plugin.

    In our latest update, we’ve improved “Need Reply” flag visibility conditions. Now, you’ll only see the “Need Reply” flag when necessary.

    To enjoy these enhancements, please update the plugin to the latest version.

    Thank you for choosing Support Genix, and we hope you appreciate the improved functionality.

    Best regards,

    Nazmul | Support Genix Team

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