• Resolved mouindi


    Hi Team. I am Moumita, Product Manager from MultiVendorX Team.

    Some of our users are asking about the compatibility of “Webinar and Video Conference with Jitsi Meet” with MultiVendorX.

    Can you please check and let us know? In fact if you would work on this compatibility we will add your plugin on our compatible plugin page link.

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  • Plugin Support Toukir Hossain


    Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We will keep it in consideration and will notify you of any updates regarding the matter.

    Have a great day!

    Plugin Support Toukir Hossain


    Hi @mouindi,

    We’re excited to share that MultiVendorX is now compatible with our “Webinar and Video Conference with Jitsi Meet” plugin.

    A new version of the plugin has been released, which includes this exciting new enhancement. To take advantage of this integration, we kindly request that you update your plugin to the latest version.

    Thank You. Have a great day!

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