• Resolved SWEATe


    I’ve been playing with, testing and figuring out your Simple Memberaship for a few days and really like it. One thing I haven’t worked out is:

    Is it possible for members to be part of MULTIPLE LEVELS?

    What I’m trying to see if I can do is provide different content for each levels. Level A, for example,. would only have access to Level A-specific content; Level B members will have access only to Level B-specific content, etc. Then if a member wants to access content for both levels, they join both levels.

    Simple idea. But doesn’t seem to work with your system.

    As far as I can figure out, your levels really have no hierarchy. Instead, the system simply records the last Level the member joined or “upgraded” to. Technically simple and quite cute, but it doesn’t do the trick for multiple levels that members can join simultaneously. At least that’s what I figured out after testing your plugin extensively with Paypal Sandbox.

    Anyway, do please let me know if it’s possible to do that multiple level thing. This is really the only thing holding me back from using this for my current project, which will need a few of your premium add-ons. But no sense in me even getting that far if this feature I’m asking about can’t be done… I’ll just play with another plugin if that’s the case.

    Anyway, please let me know. Thanks.

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  • Plugin Support mbrsolution



    Then if a member wants to access content for both levels, they join both levels.

    Unfortunately that is not currently possible in the plugin.

    At the present your only option is to create a membership level hierarchy as such.

    Level A
    Level B
    Level A + B
    Level C
    Level A + B + C
    Level A + C
    Level B + C

    Let me know if you need more help.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter SWEATe


    Yeah, already figured as much and have set up something like that. Just thought maybe I’d get lucky and missed something, or you’ve got some undocumented feature. No worries. Thanks for replying and for good software!

    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    You are most welcome.

    I am marking this thread as resolved.

    Thank you

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