• Resolved ebonweaver


    There seem to be multiple issues with the plugin related to forms.

    1. The /profile page does not work properly. It says “Not Tabs” and “No content found”. Basically you have a picture and banner and nothing else.

    2. Form Builder – Profile Tabs does not work properly. Presumably you are to drag items from the left column to the right column to activate them on the Profile page. This is not clear in the UI. There is no save button so changes are not and can not be saved, so the UI is apparently useless. There is nothing on the right side by default making profiles useless as noted above by default. None of this makes sense.

    3. The purpose of Profile vs Account is very unclear. I’m honestly not sure if the above matters as I’m not clear on the point of the profile page. This is backed up by the fact that there is no navigation to this page from anywhere. Presumably if it had a purpose you’d have a link on the Account page to get to your profile, but why not have it all on one page really?

    4. Form builder for Account does not work properly. For one, it does not seem to relate to what is on the account page as fields are missing from the latter that are in the former. Second, you can’t modify the form by adding fields from the left, it won’t let you. Third, there is apparently no support for Signature as pointed out by the maker of the Asgaros Forum plugin because that field is missing from the builder entirely. Fourth not all fields work. Username does not actually show up on the page.

    5. Similarly the Registration form is lacking any fields other than default. These are in no way critical however as the needed fields are present, but I bring it up anyway. Then again, maybe this is why the fields under Account can’t be used because there actually isn’t such a field in user records as Gender?

    6. Field labels don’t work. There are no labels on the Account page. You have to add Field Descriptions to show “labels”, but they are under the fields instead of on top of the fields.

    Largely this plugin works out of the box and is easy to use, unlike “User Registration” which is a complete disaster. However these issues are serious enough I can’t use this plugin at the moment which means my search for a fully functional registration form/account detail management plugin continues. If these problems are fixed this would be a fantastic plugin from what I can see.

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  • Plugin Support alexrollin


    1. You will need to add profile tabs from UsersWP->Form Builder->Profile Tabs and those tabs will display in profile tab if having data to output.
    2. You only need to click on the field on the left panel to appear it on the right panel and you can change the tab name and other tab related data and save it.
    3. Account page is visible only to current logged in users where as profile page is public so users can see profile page of each others.
    4. Account fields are added from the account form builder and there is checkbox “Include this field in register form” for all fields which will allow to enable field to use on the register form and then you can add those fields from the register form builder. Can you explain more about the Asgaros Forum plugin as we don’t have such integration with our plugin.
    5. You can add as many register form fields as you want but first you have to add from account tab and enable field for register form and then you will see that field in register form tab to add.
    6. Field labels are there but hidden for the devices as we already show placeholders for all fields but labels can be visible using a CSS code.
    You can read our doc https://docs.userswp.io/ for more information.

    Thread Starter ebonweaver


    Having taken another shot at this, I have it mostly working, but there are several bugs and lots of room for improvement.

    – Using apostrophes causes slashes to appear in text. “it’s” shows as “it/’s” on the forms
    – Options keep resetting themselves to defaults randomly, like lightbox popups.
    – The “let user decide” option in the Profile tabs does not work.
    – The order of the Fields on the Account tab is not correct. It was, because that’s how I set the order they appear on the form, but now they are listed in a different order than what they show. Changing the order does nothing to the form, so now the form is locked in and can’t be changed.
    – Ability to edit Signature is missing (field missing from form builder).

    Design Problems:
    – UI makes no sense for editing forms: Drag and drop looks like it should work to add fields but it does not. You have to just click an item to add it, but there is no indication this is how it works. How about adding + and x to fields for add and remove as would be expected, and remove the drag ability that doesn’t work?
    – You have to add a field to Registration by adding it first to Account then adding it a second time to Registration. This makes no sense at all. Each of these forms should be completely independent configurations.
    – Labels aren’t labels, they are placeholder text. Real labels are needed.
    – Found CSS that enables labels as they are there but hidden?? This makes no sense. Add the missing option in the UI to display them. Couple this with the editing issue above so labels can be toggled per field per form.
    – “card-title” element is redundant to the page title as they are the same thing. Unclear why you’re replicating the page title in the form header but there should be an option to disable this or better yet customize it. I’d love to be able to have the page title be “Register” and the header of the form box be “Sign Up” for example. As is I have to use CSS to hide the card-title then add page elements to augment the form.
    – For Profile Tabs you need to not only add the tabs but save each one. This is inconsistent with adding fields on Account or Register.
    – Relationship between Account and Profile is sketchy at best. Edit Profile takes you to Edit Account. Account has no link to Profile. Profile does however link to Account. There is no place on Account to change your banner. It seems profile is what is publicly viewable compared to account being your private information, but the lack of an Edit Profile button in the Account screen makes this totally unclear.
    – Custom Fields on the Account tab of the Form Builder is a big undocumented mystery. What is this? How to use? Is this maybe the answer to why “Signature” is a missing Field?
    – “Author Box” is redundant to WP already showing Author by default so it’s really a pointless feature and should certainly not be on by default. It took me some time to figure out what was causing that to appear and how to turn it off.

    Again, good start, but definitely needs work.

    Plugin Support alexrollin


    We are always ready to improve the things to make the plugin more user friendly.

    As you mentioned the UI related to form builder, we already have plan to improve it to use the same upgraded UI as our GeoDirectory plugin.

    About the account fields; not all account fields are required to be same as registration fields. As the admin you can choose which fields go into registration and which are added only to the account edit form where you can collect additional information after registration.

    The Edit account option is a link and has it’s own URL usually /account/ By default is is shown as an icon link below the profile image on the profile page.

    Can you explain more about Signature field or provide some references?

    The bugs you mentioned seems specific on your site.

    If you need further help please open a support ticket here:

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