• alishamcshaw


    Hey there 🙂

    I’ve got an question i couldn’t find an answer for searching with the search-function, so I am trying to ask here now: Can I send emails/newsletters with MailPoet using either an outlook.com or Office 365 account/mail-adress? If so, does it have to be a paid or free version of MailPoet?

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  • Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    We don’t recommend sending from free or personal email addresses. The reason is that your emails might not be delivered at all to some large email providers ( i.e.: Yahoo) or they might display a warning such as  “Be careful with this message” on Gmail, which warns the recipient that they might be spoofed.

    Your FROM and REPLY-TO email address should be a custom email address from your own domain, like newsletter@yourdomain.com.

    To create an email address from your own domain, you can ask your domain name registrar or your web hosting provider for assistance.

    For more information, please check this article: https://kb.mailpoet.com/article/259-your-from-address-cannot-be-yahoo-com-gmail-com-outlook-com

    Thread Starter alishamcshaw


    Hi there,

    and thanks for answering me 🙂 I was referring to a business 365 account and not a personal one. I’m planning to use a Myname@mydomain.com, just hosting with 365 Business. Does that work with Mailpoet?

    Greetings, Alisha

    Plugin Support Catherine L. a11n


    Hi Alisha,

    If you’re planning to use an email associated with your site’s branded domain, like newsletter@yourdomain.com that is fine. However, using an outlook.com email address won’t work.

    Please let me know if anything is still unclear!

    Thread Starter alishamcshaw


    Hey 🙂

    I am planning on using an Microsoft Business 365-Account. But it’ll be NOT a @outlook.com-adress, but an myname / newsletter@yourdomain.com, but still hosted by Business 365. But if this doesn’t work with Mailpoet, i dont need to apply for an MS Business 365-Account, so i need to check that first. Cant find anything about that.

    Thanks 🙂

    Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi @alishamcshaw,

    As long as you use an email address from your own domain, like newsletter@yourdomain.com, any host should work fine with MailPoet.

    Feel free to get back to us in case you have any additional questions!

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