• Resolved Pablo Moratinos


    In Europe, the invoices have to show more data than Jetpack CRM shows.
    For example, we need:
    – Our complete physical address.
    – Our VAT number
    – The client’s VAT number
    I can create a custom field for the clients VAT number but not for me. And I can’t show any of them at the invoice.

    How could I do it?

    Thanks a lot.

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  • Thread Starter Pablo Moratinos


    Sorry, I got to add my data with the Additional Information field but How could I add client’s custom fields to the invoices?

    Hi there!

    You can add a Custom Field directly to your Invoices from WP-Admin > Jetpack CRM > Settings > Custom Fields > Invoice Custom Fields. Unfortunately, at this time there is no way to map Contact Custom Fields to auto-populate Invoice Custom Fields upon creating an Invoice for a particular Contact – this field must be populated manually with each Invoice creation.

    However, at this time, there is an open request to have this functionality incorporated in core.

    If you have any additional follow-up questions or are ever interested in an update on the status of this request, please do feel free to contact us via ticket here:


    Thread Starter Pablo Moratinos


    Hi @dkmyta ! Thank you.

    I read this here: https://kb.jetpackcrm.com/knowledge-base/how-to-use-custom-fields-in-jetpack-crm/

    Note: Adding fields to the “Address” section adds them to anywhere you see Addresses in Jetpack CRMCRM.

    But if I add a custom field with the Tax ID at the Address section it doesn’t show on the invoices client’s Address section. Is that a bug?

    Hi again!

    I see that you have submitted a support request from the ticket link provided previously. I will be reviewing your request and follow up via email as soon as possible to advise.

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