• Resolved Matt


    Hi all,
    I’ve searched high and low for an answer to this.

    The Issue:

    – In mobile view ONLY, on first load there is a “/*/* >*/” displayed below the month-view.
    – When clicking on non-event dates, an additional “/*/* >*/” is displayed. This happens for each and every date clicked.
    – When clicking on event dates, the message “/* [date] /* >*/” (where [date] displays the date clicked on) is displayed.

    Steps Taken So Far:

    – Tested using Twenty-Sixteen and no plugins. Result: No fix.
    – Uninstalled and reinstalled Event Calendar. Result: No fix.
    – Searched on various search engines and in here for a resolution, no success.

    This issue has only appeared after a colleague entered a large number of events into the calendar manually.

    Really hope someone can help or has a possible resolution to this. Thanks in advance.

    — Matt

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