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  • Plugin Author Brecht


    Hi there,

    Could you try adding the following custom CSS code?

    @media all and (max-width: 450px) {
        .vlp-layout-basic {
    Thread Starter Tae Hyeon



    I added custom css but it didn’t work

    I have no idea what can cause this issue

    maybe my theme or other plugins

    Plugin Author Brecht


    Could you try adding an !important flag:

    @media all and (max-width: 450px) {
        .vlp-layout-basic {
            display: block !important;

    Make sure to clear any caching plugins as well.

    Thread Starter Tae Hyeon


    Actually, That worked

    Thanks so much you are amazing !!

    Came for this same issue. The CSS with !important did the trick. Might want to add that to the plugin code!

    Still have an issue with intermediate widths using columns with these links, but that’s more complicated to solve I think…. The individual “widget” can’t respond to the column width like the media width AFAIK, so the theme css for when 2 columns become stacked by media width would need changed I think, but then that’s got other implications…. Fiddly, not terrible, but love to figure out how to tweak it better.

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