• Resolved riverwalkguy


    My Events Calendar has frozen up after it tried to migrate to the new Events Calendar system. I am getting the following error message.

    Cancelation in progress
    We are canceling your site’s migration to the new system. During this time, you cannot create, edit, or manage your events. Your calendar will still be visible on your site but some frontend actions will be paused.

    It is just stalled on that message and I cannot access any of my existing events or add any new ones.

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  • Plugin Contributor GeoffBel


    Hey @riverwalkguy

    Let’s fix that.

    You can cancel the migration process using a snippet.

    In fact, I would highly recommend reading the totality of that page before trying the migration again.

    Let us know how it goes,

    Thread Starter riverwalkguy


    Thank you for your assistance. I have never done anything with a snippet before. I am not sure how that works. Is there any way I can post a screen capture here so you can see the message I am getting?

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @riverwalkguy, you could use a third-party free app like CloudApp or Loom.

    Also, other users were able to resolve issues with a couple of tries. Additionally, try following KB if you haven’t already to maximize your chances of a successful migration: https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/k/migrating/


    Thread Starter riverwalkguy


    Can I delete the Event Calendar plugin and then re-install it to fix the problem? If I do that, will I lose all the events that I have listed on the website currently? I have read through the tips and nothing seems to work. Everything in my Events Calendar control panel is stalled with the message on top of everything.

    Thread Starter riverwalkguy


    I have tried everything suggested here and nothing has worked. I am locked out of my Events Calendar and cannot add or change any of the events I have posted. Even deleting the Events Calendar plugin and installing it again did not work. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this?

    Thank you in advance.

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @riverwalkguy,

    Were you able to run the snippet code that resets the migration?
    If not, please do the following:

    1. Install the free Code Snippets plugin.
    2. In your dashboard, go to Snippets > Add New and copy the snippet below.
    3. Save and Activate the snippet.
    4. Go to Events > Settings > Upgrade and confirm that migration is not longer in progress.
    5. Go back to Snippets > All Snippets and deactivate the snippet.

    Snippet code:

    add_action( 'init', function () {
      // Will attempt to force a revert of tables and metadata
      tribe( \TEC\Events\Custom_Tables\V1\Migration\Process_Worker::class )->undo_event_migration( [] );
    } );

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thread Starter riverwalkguy


    That did work. I can now access my events again. Thank you. If the Events Calendar plugin gets a new version will I be able to upgrade still? I wonder why the migration did not work in the first place?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @riverwalkguy, yes, you should be able to upgrade.

    Again apologies that the migration did not go as smoothly as we hoped on your end. There are various reasons why it failed since transitioning from v5 to v6 has many features and changes.

    Before upgrading, we highly recommend conducting tests and updates on a Staging Server. Also, please keep a working backup of your website.


    Plugin Support Abz


    This thread has been inactive for a while, so we’re going to go ahead and mark it Resolved. Please feel free to open a new thread if any other questions come up, and we’d be happy to help.

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