• Resolved tyul


    Currently, our website faces an issue: when a user adds a product to the cart, the cart icon on the page doesn’t update automatically to reflect the added product’s quantity. Instead, the user must manually refresh the page to see the updated cart quantity. We’d like to know how you would address this problem, enabling the cart icon to automatically reflect the quantity of products added when a user adds a product on the page.

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  • Plugin Support mgordonStylemixThemes



    When products are including to the cart the process depends on the Woocommerce plugin by default. The Cost Calculator plugin doesn’t control this process by default. If you have exact scenario what actions you are doing and if you think that the issue comes from the Cost Calculator plugin, please provide screen video recording, so in this way we will be able to make testings and check the issue in details, we will be glad to provide assistance if this case will be under our plugin controlling scope

    Best regards

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