• Resolved webien


    One some custome posts like our gym, the Meta description automaticlly dont show a text snippet. It´s empty. Why and how can we resolve it?

    Whe use elementor, jetengine and wordpress for building up our sites, and The SEO Framework.

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by webien.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    I see three issues.

    First, Building a site using a page builder makes it easier to create a beautiful layout. However, the tradeoff is that many layers are added to the content, and some of these layers use element tags we ignore for description generation.

    To learn more about the layers and the description generator in general, please see https://tsf.fyi/kb/explaining-the-description-generator/.

    Second, Elementor is also known to create vast chunks of HTML. If the HTML gets too large, even though our bespoke HTML parser is remarkably optimized, the server’s regular expression JIT optimizer will bail out because it determines it might overfill and crash. You can disable this functionality in PHP’s runtime configuration by disabling pcre.jit (https://www.php.net/manual/en/pcre.configuration.php#ini.pcre.jit), and TSF will happily generate descriptions for all your content previously limited by this. The downside is that because the JIT compiler is disabled, your site will be notably slower.

    Lastly, I also found some shortcodes in some of the descriptions TSF did manage to produce, such as {{item.name}} for page /bli-medlem/. These tags appear not to be processed when the content is stored but reparsed (this adds significant load time). This parsing happens after TSF has already read the content, so it picks up these untransformed shortcodes.

    To forego all these issues, I recommend filling in custom descriptions via Quick Edit. Hover over any page or post, and you’ll find the option to “Quick Edit.” Alternatively, you can leave the descriptions empty and let search engines create one from the page content.

    I hope this explains everything well. Let me know if you still have questions. Cheers!

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