Support » Fixing WordPress » Menu Issues

  • Hello,

    We have been having issues with our menu for a while now. When we edited the menu under appearance it doesn’t update so I edit the HTML manually. However today I have noticed that the menu is not working on mobile. Then when I tried to edit menu manually to make a change it didn’t update. I have cleared the cache.

    We also seem to have problems with our fonts loading if anyone can help with that also?



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi Alice,

    May I know what theme and page builder (if you are using one) you are using? The issues may be due to the theme / page builder you are using.

    Thread Starter alicemakinson87


    Hey Bianca,

    We use OceanWP and elementor


    Hi Alice,

    It appears that JS is not loading properly:
    wp.i18n.setLocaleData({'text direction\u0004ltr':['ltr']})

    Do you by any chance have some optimization plugins?
    Do you defer any JS scripts?

    Have a great day,


    Thread Starter alicemakinson87


    Hi Rade,

    The only plugin I can see that mentions optimisation is ‘LiteSpeed Cache’.

    Im sorry I don’t know what defers JS script means?

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