• Hi,

    The primary menu has a line when display and it disappears when you hover over it.

    How can I get rid of that line when the primary menu is displayed, like it is in the footer.



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  • Hi @kmodha99,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Are you referring to the underline that appears when hovering over a menu item, as visible below?

    If so, this can be removed by adding the following code to the Appearance > Customizer > Additional CSS area:

    .header__navigation a:hover {
        text-decoration: none;

    Let me know if this worked!

    Thread Starter kmodha99


    Hi @gdalex

    It’s the line appears when the page is displayed. When you hover over it the line disappears. I want to get rid of the line that appears when the page is shown with the menu.




    I can’t seem to replicate this in my test environment with Go enabled.

    Could you please provide a screenshot or a link to the page in question? Thanks!

    Thread Starter kmodha99


    @gdalex will do.

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