• All of my media attachments are losing a lot of their image quality when I upload them to WordPress. I’ve disabled all of my plugins and I’m still having the issue. What else might be causing this?

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  • Hi,

    If your questions is about the Feature images, WordPress automatically generates different sizes for each image that you upload to your site.

    When the images are set with different size ratio to original, it loses its quality.

    You can update and manage the sizes settings in your dashboard by navigating to Settings -> Media

    These are the default sizes for every site:

    • Thumbnail: 150px square
    • Medium: Max width and height of 300px
    • Large: Max width and height of 1024px
    • Full Size: The original size of your image

    To read more details about images sizes:

    Thread Starter mattschuberg1


    The thing is the images are losing quality even when I view them on the Media tab at their original size. They’re losing quality as soon as I upload them into WordPress. Do you know why that is?

    Thread Starter mattschuberg1


    Wanted to bump this. My images are losing quality as soon as I upload them into WordPress in the Media Library. I’ve tried plugins that turn off the WordPress image compression but it’s still happening. Anything else I can try to resolve this?

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