• Resolved sallijane


    I updated to the most recent version of Matomo, 4.15.0, and found that I could no longer get into the WordPress dashboard—“a critical error”. I got the automatic e-mail from WordPress, which had expired before it got to me (said it would expire after 1 day, but I clicked the link about 2 hours after the e-mail arrived and it was already expired), but the e-mail identified Matomo as being the cause of the problem.

    I went to my cPanel and disabled Matomo, and can now access the dashboard, but I am disappointed that Matomo is not yet working with WP 6.3—do we have an ETA for that?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support emermatomo


    Hello @sallijane Sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with your Matomo for WordPress. To be able to find a fix on this, could you please send us a copy of your system check report?

    Thread Starter sallijane


    O.K., I just had a complex comment, but went to check on how to create a system report and lost it. GRR! Anyway, I had previously updated Matomo on this site: https://democracywatchnews.org, and yesterday was updating other plug-ins when this site, too developed a critical error. I had just updated PublishPress Authors, which is on your conflict list (not sure what to do about that, as I have used both plug-ins on all 4 of my sites). The reason I updated PublishPress Authors is this, from their change log, which made me think they might have resolved the issue:

    Changed: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; Changed: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins;

    No luck though; Matomo is currently paused while the site is in Recovery Mode, so I cannot get a system report (will look to do so on uujec.net), but here is the message in the plug-in list:

    This plugin failed to load properly and is paused during recovery mode.

    An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 210 of the file /homepages/14/d4296767180/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/vendor/php-di/php-di/src/Container.php. Error message: Declaration of DI\Container::has($name) must be compatible with Psr\Container\ContainerInterface::has(string $id): bool

    I avoid Google almost rabidly, and have been recommending Matomo in various WordPress groups since I found it, so I am a bit nonplussed to be having these issues; hoping it is my own lack of knowledge and not a major problem.

    Of course, Matomo is deactivated on uujec.net, too—I was able to get an error log and test activity e-mail from Wordfence; would they be helpful? How do I get them to you?

    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by sallijane.
    Plugin Support emermatomo


    Hello @sallijane The error you are getting is related to incompatible plugin with Matomo for WordPress. As of the moment, we do not have a workaround on this. However, our developers are working on it and might be resolved once Matomo for WordPress v5.0 is ready.

    Thread Starter sallijane


    Thanks for the explanation! much appreciated

    Thread Starter sallijane


    oops, forgot to mark as resolved (or technically, I guess, resolved-to-be)

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