• Resolved ofmarconi



    LSCache has a very aggressive preset, but if Elementor works with it, I think with a little effort on your part your animation widgets can work too.

    What does this aggressive mode do? It prevents all Javascripts from executing until the user interacts in some way, this greatly increases performance. However, of the plugins I’m using, only yours is no longer working.

    I have the Pro version, but this happens with Free too.
    Is there a more appropriate forum for this? I understand this is neither a feature request nor a bug… So I hope I’m not in the wrong place.

    If it is not possible to make it 100% compatible with this aggressive mode, could you tell us which scripts we should bypass in the LiteSpeed Cache configuration so as not to optimize. (I was using Qi Text Animated)


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  • Plugin Author Qode



    Thank you for your feedback! We have forwarded this to our dev team to investigate further and they will try to resolve this at the earliest possible date.


    Plugin Author Qode



    After some investigation from our dev team, we have concluded that there is a collision with LSCache option ‘Page Optimization > JS Settings > Load JS Deferred’ set as ‘Delayed’. Since in our js code, we have some functionalities that are executed when whole page is loaded (window load event), ‘delayed’ js load prevents those functionalities from being executed, among them is mentioned ‘Animated Text’. You can bypass this by set ‘Load JS Deferred’ option on ‘Deferred’.


    Thread Starter ofmarconi


    I understand, ‘delayed’ is what guarantees a high PageSpeed score.

    Is there any way to identify these scripts so I can put them as an exception so they are not optimized?


    Plugin Author Qode


    Hi there,

    The script you are asking for is ‘main.min.js’, however, if it’s exempted, the ‘Animated Text’ feature will remain non-functional due to prior calls to other functionalities ahead of Elementor scripts, potentially causing additional JavaScript errors. It’s imperative for Elementor to load first, but LSCache places its minimized and combined script at the end, with all exceptions preceding it.



    Thread Starter ofmarconi


    Obrigado pela resposta! Entendi, então é incompatível com este recurso do LScache.


    Plugin Author Qode


    Hi there,

    Glad this is resolved and that we found the cultprit.



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