• Resolved kreativeavenuedesigns


    Hi there. I am having issues with Mailpoet Woocommerce Emails.

    I have different emails set with MailPoet from Newsletters, Welcome Emails from Form Subscription and other woocommerce emails when someone purchases a product form the store.

    All the emails except the woocommerce one are sent correctly but the woocommerce emails are no way to be sent. I have set up everything correctly as also my test emails work fine.

    Not sure why and how to fix this. thanks

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support wpnomad a11n


    Hi @kreativeavenuedesigns,

    All the emails except the woocommerce one are sent correctly but the woocommerce emails are no way to be sent. 

    That’s odd. Can you please work through the steps outlined here and see if you’re able to locate any issues?

    Thread Starter kreativeavenuedesigns


    Thanks. There is no error but the email are stuck to “sending” in the TYPE column under scheduled tasks

    Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    When you set up an automated email to be sent to a WooCommerce customer using the MailPoet plugin, the email will be triggered only if the order status is "Processing' or "Completed“.

    Also, it’s important to ensure the WooCommerce Customer is listed as “Subscribed” in the MailPoet list. If they’re still “Unconfirmed”, the email may be scheduled but not sent until they confirm their subscription via email (if double opt-in is enabled).

    If you still need help with this, can you please send us the following information. Please redact any personal information before posting:

    • A screenshot of the MailPoet > Help > System Status page. Please ensure to capture the whole page or make several screenshots.
    • Copy and paste the information from MailPoet > Help > System Info.
    Plugin Author MailPoet


    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – we’ll be here if and/or when you are ready to continue.

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