• Resolved Nitin Jain



    I have been using Litespeed cache for some time now and am eager to enhance my knowledge about its vast capabilities. While trying to tweak my website’s optimization, I stumbled upon a query – LS Crawler Cache Vs LS Cache Vs Redis Cache Vs Object Cache

    While optimising the site, I came across multiple caching options.
    I am just curious of crytalizing the most optimum methods.

    When I enabled the crawler, the website faced unfavourable results and that makes me think about the query.

    Kindly forgive my (non developer) lack of knowledge if this is an irrelevant query.

    Thank You

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    crawler is just a bot that periodically visits your sites, it doesn’t do anything else, but just mimic visitors to trigger the page cache

    LSCache , in this case, is the page cache

    and redis cache , object cache , you probably refer to same thing , you can think it as some kind of database cache , but it’s different than page cache.

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