• Hello- I was updating some HTML in a blog post (updating existing “widget” code) and everything stopped working. Forums say I have to uninstall plug ins, but I can’t access anything, not my WP admin, not my plug ins, nothing. But the DNS is still active? Not sure how to resolve. If I try to edit any post, it comes up “can not be found”.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Go to your cPanel or Plesl -> File Manager -> Search for wp-content folder -> delete any plugin inside plugins folder.

    Thread Starter lifewithklg


    thank you for the advice, but I don’t think that is going to work? I have been working out of the browser (I use Safari), so I am not finding a WP file?

    Use ftp to go into your webhost and rename the plugins folder temporarily (I usually just add 1234 to the name). Or you can go to your hosting control panel and use its file manager to find the plugins directory and rename it there. This will disable all your plugins which will probably fix your problem to where you can then fix things.

    If not then you might need to do the same to your theme by renaming that theme’s directory to force a default theme to run.

    You might also call your web host to assist you with the above process.

    Once you’ve got it working without plugins or else on a default theme you can reverse the renaming you’ve done and activate the plugins one ar a time until it breaks again. At that point seek help with the broken plugin or theme.

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