• Resolved Themico


    Hello, the plugin brakes in the backend into and image list after the WP 6.5 update. Can you please check and confirm?

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • I can’t even see the Image Slider Block in the list of blocks anymore, in the Gutenberg editor. Can you see it? @themico

    Thread Starter Themico


    No I can not see it, it is turned into “Unsupported” block.

    Hope this will be fixed soon…


    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Themico.
    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Themico.


    I hope you are fine.

    Sorry for your inconvenience. It seems there is an issue with the image slider plugin, we already inform our dev team, they will check the issue and fix it ASAP.

    I will inform you once, I get the update from them.


    Yes, please fix it as soon as possible. I run it on a multisite installation and all templates and pages now shows “this block isn’t supported by your theme” …
    As WordPress releases beta versions early enough for developers to update their plugins you should make sure next time that a WP update doesn’t break your block – otherwise I can’t recommand it for professional use 😉
    By the way: if it works, it’s a great plugin, giving users the opportunity to have a WYSIWYG slider instead of building sliders outside of the page designs.


    Our dev team will check the issue and fix it ASAP.

    I will inform you once, I get the update from them.



    We have released an update with the fixing. Please update the plugin.


    Thread Starter Themico


    Great, thank you!

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