• Resolved imthepipe


    I installed WordFence on a friend’s site and all was working fine for a while. Now, neither of us can get in. We get the WordFence notification that we’re blocked, but when we enter our email addresses to receive the unblock message, it doesn’t work. We get the email, but when we click the unblock link it takes us to a 404 page on the site. When we enter the login URL, and enter our account info, we get the same WordFence account blocked message. We’ve also tried clicking the unblock IP address too.

    FYI – we’re using a plugin that changes the default login URL. Use of this plugin hasn’t been a problem in the past. I mention it just in case.

    Please advise. Thanks.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi, I have just started having the exact same issue. I noticed that when I logged out yesterday instead of returning to login screen the logout went to the Wordfence notification page that says user is blocked. I had been using the site fine for hours.

    I haven’t done invalid login attempts, however a user was blocked overnight for attempting to login too many times with [login] username.

    I disconnected from my broadband internet connection, and used mobile hotspot to connect to the site and was able to login. I checked the Wordfence block and there were NO entries for my IP address, my IP showed in the list for successful login. I ran a scan and it was all fine. Then I logged out and straight away received the blocked user message again, so now I am blocked from logging in both from my broadband IP, and my mobile hotspot IP.

    Not sure what is going on here, any help would be appreciated.

    Hey @imthepipe,

    The quickest way back into the site is to rename the Wordfence plugin directory to something like wordfence.bak. This manually disables Wordfence.


    What’s the block message you’re seeing? Once you’re back in the site, you can check in Live Traffic to see why this is happening and address it.

    The plugin you’re using could be breaking links. We advise against using plugins that change the login URL due to its likelihood of break plugin and theme functionality. Here are some thoughts from our CEO on the subject.

    @webcoast – It sounds like you’re under a brute force attack and they’re using your username. You can regain access the same as previously mentioned. Then I’d suggest whitelisting your IP. If that doesn’t help, please start a new thread per the forum guidelines.




    Thread Starter imthepipe


    Good advice, thanks. I was going to login via FTP to disable WF, but wanted to try other solutions first. My friend was able to login from a different network. I am unable to do so, so I’m going to walk him through white listing my IP address. Will post a followup with the results. Thanks again.

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