• Resolved servicesportal


    Answer the question: how can I publish a video locally to a user similarly to a photo?
    That is: it is possible to upload a photo and create a photo gallery, but what about local video?
    Can you make a paid plugin add-on to extend the functionality?

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  • Plugin Author Paolo


    We have a feature that allows you to add videos to the GD > Post Images block/widget. See the documentation on videos here.

    If, for example, you have a video field called “video,” you would set the image types to “video_screenshot,post_images” so it shows a screenshot of the video (from YouTube or Vimeo). You can then set the link to “lightbox” and the link screenshots to “lightbox iframe URL.”

    Unfortunately, I just tested this, and it only works with our Bootstrap 4 styles. It is not working with our latest Bootstrap 5 style. We have reported this bug, and it should be fixed and released by Thursday.

    Thanks for your patience,

    Thread Starter servicesportal


    Thanks for your reply.

    That’s not what I was asking. How can a user upload an mp4 or avi video when submitting an ad?
    From their smartphone, select the video file and upload it to the gallery, and when they click on the video, a popup window opens and they can view the video.

    Plugin Author Paolo


    Streaming videos is not as easy as showing pictures.

    Using WordPress as a video streaming platform is not ideal. Modern cell phones use several GB for just a few seconds of video, which can quickly become unmanageable. To serve videos effectively, you need to compress them and have a robust infrastructure. Without this, scalability becomes a significant issue.

    These guys wrote an excellent article about this matter: https://www.outmost.studio/post/why-you-shouldnt-host-video-on-your-website

    Thread Starter servicesportal


    What does streaming video have to do with it? I already wrote 2 times that I want to add downloading of physical video files. Files are already recorded, not streaming video. 100% the same as in the photo.

    Plugin Author Stiofan


    Hi @servicesportal,

    I think somethings are being lost in translation here. “downlaod” and “streaming” are different things.

    What i think you want is to have a user upload a video and have it play on the page.

    1. Add a video upload input: Places > Settings > Custom Feilds > File upload. be sure to restrict the file types to the video types you want to show. (make a note of the “key” under “show advanced”)
    2. You will need to allow larger file uploads under GD > Settings > General > (show advanced) > Max upload file size(in mb) Your max upload will also have a server limit, you may need to ask your host to up this also. You can check your server current max under GD > Status > Max upload size
    3. Use the GD > Post Meta block on the GD single template page. This will output the video on the page, this is not the best idea but currently the only working option with the current theme you are using.
    4. The bug mentioned in the first reply has been fixed and will be released on Thurdsday, after that you can use the GD > Post Images block as described above which will allow you to show a screenshot and have it open in a popup, which is what i think you really want.

    If you have any issues please open a ticket here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/ with the subject (FAO Stiofan) and i will personaly assist you with this 🙂



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