• Resolved betezek


    eu preciso de ajuda na troca do texto link do menu, tirar Home e colocar uma imagem no lugar. Tentei, mas quando deleto o caminho o menu some.
    Se eu colocar no link especial, <img src=”endereço da imagem”> fica esquisito.

    Tem como fazer em CSS ou algo parecido que substitua?

    I need help changing the menu link text, removing Home and putting an image in its place. I tried, but when I delete the path the menu disappears.
    If I put it in the special link, looks weird.

    Is there a way to do it in CSS or something similar that replaces it?

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  • Hi, without knowing the link of the particular page we can not help you here.

    Thread Starter betezek



    Moderator bcworkz


    It seems you already have an image in place as the home menu item. The text “HOME” is part of the image. If you don’t want it in the image, the image itself would need to be edited.

    Thread Starter betezek



    se você observar ao lado da imagem tem um ponto que deixei no lugar da palavra home.

    eu quero deixar somente imagens.

    Moderator bcworkz


    LOL, I was looking for “home” not a dot!

    You can simply hide the dots with CSS. Add this to the customizer’s Additional CSS section:

    #menu-menu-1 li a span {
        display: none;
    Thread Starter betezek


    Deu certo, já rodou legal.
    Agradeço sua ajuda !!!

    It worked, it ran fine.
    I appreciate your help !!!
    Thank you!!!

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