• Resolved Asif


    Enabling LinkedIn sharing has proven to be quite a challenge due to confusing instructions. On the “Social Profile” tab, users are prompted to select “profile” after enabling LinkedIn. However, following the directions from this page, it becomes apparent that setting up a company page (not profile sharing) is necessary on LinkedIn before obtaining the required app information for sharing.

    Having setup a page on LinkedIn and attempting to connect with my LinkedIn account using the provided authentication keys led to an error message: “Bummer, something went wrong. The redirect_uri does not match the registered value.

    It seems that the option to select “Profile” might be misleading, especially for users with free accounts, as access to “Page” is restricted to pro accounts in the drop down menu under “Social Profile” tab. Moreover, setting up a LinkedIn app, which requires a company page, only adds to the frustration. Entering LinkedIn company page info for “Profile” resulted in the aforementioned error message.

    If LinkedIn sharing solely relies on a LinkedIn app, which can only be created for a LinkedIn page, then displaying “Profile” option in the free plugin is misleading. Users may end up wasting time on an option that is only available for paid accounts, further complicating an already challenging process.

    I have wasted a lot of time on this confusing and misleading situation and feel like giving this app a 1 star only … though I was thinking otherwise. I have not tried other social sharing options but now I reckon they all are going to be as confusing and impossible to connect.

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  • Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @asif_rn ,

    Hope you are doing well.

    Sorry for the inconvenience that you faced. We can understand your concern.

    However, on our doc we mentioned Company Page needed because when you are going to create an App then you need to add it and without Company Page you can’t create an App.

    And from your shared message it seems that you want to connect and share posts into your LinkedIn Page using your created App. And for LinkedIn page you need another Product permission (Advertise API). As this permission is missing that’s why you can’t connect your LinkedIn page using SchedulePress.

    We have two separate documentation for LinkedIn profile and LinkedIn Page.

    Please note that, LinkedIn Page connection is our Pro feature. So due to the WordPress ORG rule we can’t discuss more about the Pro feature here. You can reach our team here. We will be happy to help you, don’t worry.

    Thanks and have a good day!

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