• Resolved Dave Loodts


    Hi, i have some questions for our customers stores (we run +-10 stores that uses SendCloud).
    When we disable the Legacy API in WooCommerce -which will be by default in WooCommerce 9.0- then the SendCloud connection disconnects. We get a warning over at sendcloud.com.

    An important related question as it seems that SendCloud still depends on the Legacy API. In that Legacy API, HPOS is not supported and it will never be. That is confirmed by WooCommerce. So, how is the SendCloud then compatible with the HPOS?

    Or am i overseeing something?

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  • Plugin Author Sendcloud


    Hi Dave,

    Thank you for posting your question.

    Our integration utilizes the legacy REST API V2 of WooCommerce. We are aware of the planned changes in WooCommerce 9.0, so we will update our plugin accordingly.

    As for HPOS, if you activate the compatibility mode for HPOS, it will work with the Legacy API. Please refer to this post: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/legacy-api-issue-with-hpos-enabled/

    If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team:  https://support.sendcloud.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046514071-How-to-get-support-from-Sendcloud

    Best regards,

    Edson | Sendcloud

    Thread Starter Dave Loodts



    Thread Starter Dave Loodts


    In the latest update of WooCommerce, they show these kinds of notifications to display which services on your site still uses the Legacy API. And SendCloud still does.

    So, it’s for awereness that -if SendCloud is not adapting- you should install the Legacy API plugin from WooCommerce 9.0 onwards.

    It can only be solved when SendCloud is moving over to the new REST API. But besides that: the size of the logfile won’t have any impact on your site performance, and in terms of extra space on your server, it is also not that impactfull.

    I do expect SendCloud to follow soon with the new REST API, but we will see.

    Thread Starter Dave Loodts


    Hi, what’s the status of the new API support?
    Since WooCommerce 8.3, there’s now this Legacy API plugin that’s required to use Sendcloud.

    Plugin Author Sendcloud


    Hello @davelo

    Thank you for your message.

    Our development team is still working towards compatibility with the new WooCommerce V3 API, and finishing the task is currently the team’s highest priority.

    Meanwhile, we have reached a solution with the help of the WooCommerce technical team to ensure the transition to the new API won’t disrupt our users. More information will be provided in an email we will soon send to our WooCommerce users.

    Best regards,

    Jeremy | Sendcloud Technical Support

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