• Resolved saya07


    If we delay javascript using wp-rocket the advance tabs widget content isn’t showing. i tried excluding the below files from delay as wp-rocket suggests still it doesn’t working

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  • Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Hi @sai07,

    We’re so sorry for the inconvenience. Please try excluding this file as well /essential-addons-elementor/(.*).js and let me know how it goes.


    Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Hi @sai07,

    Hope you’re doing good. So, has your issue been resolved? Can you please let us know? If you need further assistance, we will surely help you out.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter saya07


    Hi @tushar284 i have added /essential-addons-elementor/(.*).js as mentioned still facing the same issue

    Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Hi @sai07,

    We’re really sorry to hear that. Could you please share the URL where we can find the issue & check what is actually going on there?

    Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

    Thread Starter saya07


    sure you can find the page link here http://textshare.in/636/

    Thread Starter saya07


    Still facing the issues. To reproduce the bug install elementor, wp-rocket and essential addons for elementor plugins, create a test template and copy the shortcode now on test page editing add advanced tabs widget in content paste the shortcode and save.
    Now on wp-rocket settings select delay javascript and save.

    Thread Starter saya07


    The issue isn’t resolved yet. I have updated to latest version of wp-rocket, elementor and essential addons plugin please have a look from your panel.

    The advance tabs shortcode-content will not show when using delay JavaScript function from wp-rocket settings.

    I’m experiencing the same issues and with a similar setup, mostly in Chrome. Any updates or resolution?

    Update: WPRocket has updated their Delay JavaScript Execution compatibility exclusions information for Essential Addons (https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1560-delay-javascript-execution-compatibility-exclusions#essential-addons-for-elementor).

    Namely, adding this new line:

    That solved the issue for me, which has been persistent for a week or two.

    Hello Plugin Support,

    I’m facing the same issues, can you help me how to resolve this issue?
    fyi, I have 3 pages that using advance tab, but only 1 page that show the content. The other pages doesn’t show the content. Please help. Thank you

    Plugin Support Pial


    Hello @danwinm

    I hope you are doing well.

    About your inquiry, you can use the following script in the WP Rocket Delay JavaScript Execution input box so that the JS optimization can exclude the Essential Addons necessary JS.


    You can check this Doc for reference.

    Hope it helps.
    Thank you

    Hi support,

    I’m facing the same problem. Both Tabs, Accordion and Toggle widget are not working. I insert them in the page, everything looks fine. However, when I click them on the front end, there is a jump to the top of the page.

    I’m working in WordPress 6.1.1, with Hello theme 2.6.1, Elementor 3.10.2 and Elementor Pro 3.10.3.

    However, Toggle works fine in another website. Also in WordPress 6.1.1, with Hello theme 2.6.1, but Elementor 3.10.1 and Elementor Pro 3.7.7.

    Somewhere in between things seem to go off the rails. Hope you can help, thanks in advance!

    Plugin Support Pial


    Hello there @haje ,

    Sorry for the inconvenience you’re facing.

    Well, I have just checked your query very carefully and I need some details about your issue.

    Could you please kindly share a Screen recording of the problem you’re facing?

    So that I can properly provide you with the correct solution.

    Thank you!

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    I provide you with the url, so you can check what happens: https://gezondzuidholland.nl/geluid/
    It is a provisional page that I’m working on. In the grey area I included the three Elementor widgets, in the pink area an external plugin.

    Would you please be so kind to delete the url and/or this message after checking?

    [There’s more going on. On the front end the grey and pink background are not showing. This is the first time I’m experiencing this kind of issues, just finished another website this week, same setup with WordPress 6.1.1 and Elementor 3.10.1, Elementor Pro 3.10.1 – and no problem at all]

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