• Resolved theronin42


    My custom blacklist is growing what with these idiot spammers using sequential domains like “1-reasons-for-seo.com, 2-reasons-for-seo.com, etc” whereby I am listing 1-99 for these idiots to effectively block them. Will a big list ultimately slow down connections to my website?

    Also, in the free version, I cannot download updates to the list. Is that just for the paid version? I thought the paid version just allowed you to access the same custom list across domains.

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  • Plugin Author supersoju


    A large list will need to be parsed by apache on every page load, so it will slow down your site. What constitutes “large” depends on your host. Some users have 5k+ entries, but ymmv.

    The free version will get get updates daily to the list with top ~900 items. If you subscribe, you can get access to more lists with additional items.

    Thread Starter theronin42


    Thank you for the clarification!

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