• Resolved argosmedia


    My mailoptin cookies doesn’t seem to work. The lightbox shows every new page, even though I have set the cookie expire to manay months in advance. In the developer bar in my browser this error shows:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')
    at e..animate_optin_display (mailoptin.min.js?ver=
    at e..onOpen (mailoptin.min.js?ver=
    at e..open (mailoptin.min.js?ver=
    at $.fn.MoModalBox (mailoptin.min.js?ver=
    at e..display_optin_form (mailoptin.min.js?ver=
    at mailoptin.min.js?ver=

    What to do? I have reinstalled the plugin, tried with default WP theme and disabled all other plugins, with no effect.

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