• Resolved colourinvasion


    I’m using the JKit- Tabs element and I have 4 items (4 tabs) that I’ve duplicated from the first one so that they all have the same formatting. None of them are the same as the first. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tabs, the icons, images and texts are cut off. Can you help, please?

    [video src="https://colourinvasion.pt/solardasarcadas/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/15.05.2024_15.56.00_REC.mp4" /]

    If you need to acess the backoffice of the site this is the link [removed]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Fauzan Jegstudio


    Hello @colourinvasion,

    We apologize for the delay in our response and for any inconvenience you’ve experienced. First and foremost, we kindly request that you refrain from providing us with credentials on public forums like this.

    Regarding the issue you’ve raised, we’ve conducted an investigation. We found that the Self Align setting in the Tabs widget is causing the problem. It’s possible that this setting also affects the container within the tab content.


    For the time being, we have disabled it. We hope you can check it again.

    Thank You

    Thread Starter colourinvasion



    I’ve checked and it’s fine now. Thank you very much for your help and for the printout, we’ll keep it for future similar situations.


    Plugin Author Fauzan Jegstudio


    Hello @colourinvasion,

    Thank you for confirming. We’re pleased to hear that no further issues have arisen for you.

    If you encounter any other difficulties, please don’t hesitate to create a new topic.

    Have a great weekend! 🏖️

    Thread Starter colourinvasion



    I need help again with the same situation that was fixed before.
    The client asked to remove tabs and only 2 remain, and they are appearing side by side and not as they should be.
    Can you help, please?


    Thread Starter colourinvasion


    I need help with 1 more issue:
    1- I can’t find where I can remove these 2 dashes that are marked in pink.


    Plugin Author Fauzan Jegstudio


    Hello @colourinvasion,

    We apologize for the delay in responding. Upon reviewing your tabs, it appears that you have enabled the Set as Default option on both tabs. To resolve this issue, you can enable this option on only one tab.



    Regarding your other issue, the image link you provided does not display the intended image. Could you please check it? Also, on your site, we couldn’t locate the two dashes you mentioned.

    We’ll await your further response.

    Thank You

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