• Resolved adatfalo



    I made a webshop with Oxygen Builder+Woocommerce. The WP Grid Builder plugin is responsible for filtering products. However, if the Ivory Search plugin is activated, the filtering/load more function does not work well (wrong products are loaded, the same product appears more than once, etc)
    According to support:
    “The Ivory Search is modifying the WordPress archive query improperly.”
    If I deactivate the plugin that resolves the issue.

    What can be done about it?

    Looking forward to your reply as soon as possible!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Vinod Dalvi


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

    Could you please try activating the plugin option as displayed in the below screenshot?

    View post on imgur.com

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter adatfalo


    Dear Vinod Dalvi,

    I’ve already tried this. I just tried it again, but unfortunately it didn’t help, the same error appears. 🙁

    Plugin Author Vinod Dalvi


    I visited your shared page to troubleshoot the issue but didn’t see Ivory Search bar on it.

    Please advise.



    Hello Vinod,

    I too have the same problem on my Site. Ivory search messed up some things, and WP Grid builder pagination doesn’t work properly. I just contacted Luoic from WP Grid Builder, and he helped me to discover the source of the problem – it’s Ivory search plugin.
    When I deactivate it – everything is ok, regarding WP Grid builder pagination.

    However, the solution you suggested above doesn’t help in my case.
    Please, suggest some other solution. WP Grid builder is one of the main feature on the Site, and I have to use it.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Vinod Dalvi


    @sinisas Could you please share the page URL from your site where it is happening so I can troubleshoot it?

    Also, please share the WP Grid builder plugin URL that you are using.



    Hi Vinod,
    Thank you very much for your feedback. I just replied to your email and sent you login parameters and other details about the problem.
    Thanks again for the fast response.

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