• Resolved sangredeespana


    Blank pages that you have to hit enter again for them to load… Did not have issue with the 7x php. Should I revert back? Maybe plugins have not been updated for the new php version?? Thanks.

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  • chasingzen


    Is this a live site? If so it would probably make sense to revert to PHP 7.4 so the site functions as expected.

    You can clone your site and do your PHP 8 compatibility on the clone/copy. Does your site provide access to your PHP error log? That would help you pinpoint which of your plugins are doing poorly on PHP 8. If you’re not already taking this approach, you can also deactivate all plugins, and then test them by activating one-by-one to sort out which plugins are the problem.

    I’ve noticed threads popping up in individual plugin support forums asking about PHP 8.0 compatibility, so that might also be a good resource for you to check which plugins are confirmed by their developers to function correctly on 8.0.

    Thread Starter sangredeespana


    Thanks. I just reverted back to 7x and everything is fine… noticed others complaining about 8x as well…

    Thread Starter sangredeespana



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