• Resolved alexdrone


    Hi team, I’ve installed the plugin today and tested it and it is fast and working great in some occasions. However I am facing a big issue with the search relevance. I am using the plugin to search by title, sku, content and tag.

    Searching by SKU and Tags works great. But when it comes to searching products by name it is messing things up hard. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong. I have a store with 10k product in Bulgarian (if this even matters). When I search for something sometimes it completely removes a word from the search: ex. Motorcycle Beverly 200

    Expected result is: Showing results for Motorcycle Beverly

    End result: the word Motorcycle is completed removed from the search and instead it is showing products matched by the content not searching with priority in the title.

    What can I do to fix this? Basically I want the priority and the search to be with relevance product title 1 and after that show products which have the search in the content.

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    As I understand your problem is that in the search results list you see products without the word Motorcycle higher in the search results than the product that has this word. What you can do here is to add more relevance for words inside the product title. You can do this by using following code snippet:

    add_filter( 'aws_relevance_scores', 'my_aws_relevance_scores' );
    function my_aws_relevance_scores( $relevance_array ) {
        $relevance_array['title'] = 1000;
        return $relevance_array;

    Looks like I found the solution for you. Please use following code snippet

    You need to add it somewhere outside the plugins folder. For example, inside functions.php file of your theme or use some plugin for adding code snippets.

    Also, after adding this code you will need to go to the plugin settings page and click the ‘Clear cache’ button.


    Can you please give me some examples of search queries that have this problem? Even better if you can give me a link to the page with a working search form so I can test those search queries.

    Moderator Yui



    Thread Starter alexdrone


    Unfortunately even after applying this code into our functions.php the results is pretty much the same. The words I am typing in the search box are literally removed from the actual search and I am not seeing products containing the words. I feel like the numbers I am adding at the end are confusing the search. As when I do not add them it looks like working. But the numbers are actually important and I do not understand why when I add them what I am typing in the search box gets replaced and the titles of the products displayed are completely different.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    So, if we are talking about the search query ‘Motorcycle Beverly 200’ , it works fine with ‘Motorcycle Beverly’ but when adding 200 terms all results are messed up. Is that correct?

    Another option to show more relevant search results is to use AND search logic. With this option you will get only search results that have all search words inside product content. More about this feature you can read here.

    Thread Starter alexdrone


    Yeah I guess you can be right about this. But this is only in the pro version right? Do you guys have a 1-2 days trial version of the pro so we can test it out and see if it works for us? As we really like the speed of the search with your plugin but we are worried about the results as our shop depends on relevant search all the time.


    Plugin Author ILLID


    Yes, it is a pro feature. Sorry, we don’t have any trial, but we offer a 30 days money back guarantee. So if you purchase the plugin and will not be happy with it we will process a full refund for you.


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