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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @marlonsabala

    Neither the “official Stripe plugin” nor our Stripe plugin control the UX on the checkout page when the place order button is clicked. When that button is clicked, WooCommerce assigns a class of “processing” to the checkout form and then calls jQuery('form.checkout').blockUI(). The blockUI is a jQuery plugin that triggers the processing affect shown in your video.

    You would need to share a staging site url for me to comment on why that’s behaving differently. For example, on our testing site, everything works perfectly and the UX shows a processing indicator when the place order button is clicked.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter marlonsabala



    Hi there.

    Ok, I’m not sure why this is not working properly then. I assure you the only thing I changed from one to the other was to swap Stripe plugins.

    Here’s a URL you can test with:

    Really appreciate you looking into this.


    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @marlonsabala

    Can you set the plugin to test mode on your staging site?

    Also, I see the following Javascript error on your checkout page:

    Uncaught TypeError: event.originalEvent.getModifierState is not a function
        at rs (portuguese-special-characters.js?ver=6.2.3:65:34)

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter marlonsabala


    Hi again,

    I did some more testing. Unfortunately, it keeps coming back to your plugin. I disabled all plugins, even changed themes to 2023. Same result.

    You can test it yourself with the a stripe test card that requires 3DS2 such as 4000000000003220

    Let me know


    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @marlonsabala

    I tested your site, and the BlockUI loader displays on your checkout page when the place order button is clicked. Here is a screenshot of your checkout page from when I tested:

    Watching your video, it appears the loader is not visible at any point after the place order button is clicked. I did not observe that issue on your site during my testing.

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter marlonsabala


    hi again,

    so, the issue here is the loader not coming up when the card requires 3D checking.
    I see you did not use one the test stripe cards that require this.
    please use 4000000000003220 and you should see the problem.


    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    so, the issue here is the loader not coming up when the card requires 3D checking.

    I know what the issue is now. Your product has a free trial, which means the 3DS authentication takes place client side. Free trials are unique, because they require a setup intent object rather than a payment intent.

    Our plugin lazy loads the setup intent which makes it faster. But we don’t trigger the checkout form submit until after the 3DS authentication. This is pretty simple to resolve in the next release.

    I’ve made a note for the next release.

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter marlonsabala


    Hey great!! Glad you figured it out in the end. Appreciate your help.

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Setting to resolved. I’ve made a note to include this in the next release.

    Thread Starter marlonsabala


    Hi there,

    Hope you’re well. I was just doing some final testing for our Black Friday promo, and I noticed the issue is still present. Any chance this will be resolved by tomorrow?

    It really does tend to cause some issues as people navigate out of the tab thinking something has gone wrong.

    Let me know

    Thanks in advance

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Any chance this will be resolved by tomorrow?

    We’re releasing an update today that resolves that. You’re welcome to create a support ticket if you want to test it now.

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter marlonsabala


    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I just did. 😁

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