• Resolved Massimo


    Hi I have downloaded the plug in, I get the messages screen shot > https://prnt.sc/u2moy1
    The Locale theme developer are no longer in business. So I can not see this to be updated. Is it safe to update to 5.5.

    I updated last week to 5.5 and WPbaker did not show, NextGen Gallery did not work, it was a mess I had to get my host to use the backup to bring my site back before update

    Eventually I need to build a new site with a new theme that gone be around. But I have no time at the moment. Is it safe to update to 5.5.or stay where I am.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Marius L. J.



    You’ll want to reach out to the author of the locale-shortcodes plugin to ask them for an update (if none is available to you alrready).

    If you keep the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin active, then you should be able to update to WordPress 5.5 still, but until you either get an update to that other plugin, or find a replacement, you should keep this active.

    I would add in that this plugin won’t help when the jQuery library in WordPress is next updated, so you will need to find a replacement or get an update before then regardless.

    Thread Starter Massimo


    Thank you for your reply. The Theme Arthur is out of business no reach. I will not update to 5.5 stay where I am. End of the year I will buy a new theme and rebuild the site. It is very bad European timing this update 5.5. With no warning lots of people are on holidays and web developers are on summer shutdown.

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