• Resolved ahmetsali


    Hi, thanks for this great plugin, when I work with Interactive Banner widget I noticed that there is no option to add an overlay layer on top of the image to make the content on top more visible. Banner widget already has this option, it would be nice to see this feature on Interactive Banner widget too.

    Keep up the good work!

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  • Plugin Author Qode


    Hi there,

    Thank you for using our plugin and we are glad you like it.You should know that we have notified our dev team about your suggestion and they will discuss this if it can be implemented in the future updates of the plugin.

    Thank you.



    Plugin Author Qode


    Hi there,

    We wanted to inform you that this has been added and will be included in the next theme update 🙂

    Thank you!



    Thread Starter ahmetsali


    Great news! Thanks for the prompt reply.

    Plugin Author Qode


    Hi there,

    Glad we could help!



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